Bebesandbruins.comLayaway available

Bebesandbruins.comLayaway available


blank button Steiff bear

Antique Steiff blank button bear. 12.5” tall with early pad recovers of leather. Original deep set  boot button eyes give him such a darling expression. His nose floss is original and someone along the way gave him a shy smile. He has a now silent tum squeaker. His 2 piece outfit has been lovingly made for him, most likely when he was brand new in 1905. I say this because his head and feet which are the only things exposed, have faded, while those covered by the overalls and jackets have stayed much brighter. The wonderful, early outfit consists of overalls and a button down jacket. The red silk trims are fragile, but still vibrant. He retains his blank button and is a real character. $SOLD

Cristina Ponstingel
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