Bebesandbruins.comLayaway available

Bebesandbruins.comLayaway available


16” white Steiff with ff button

16” white Steiff with ff button. This darling girl has had professional repairs to her arms and legs & has a nice covering of creamy white mohair. Her nose, mouth and claw floss is all original as are her pads. Her feet reveal the colored felt lining in some areas. I always love to see that. She is kapok and wool wood filled. She comes wearing a vintage pink top adorned with antique pink millinery. Faces like these just do not come along that often. She is a rare white color and ready to move on from my hug to yours. $2799 postage paid within the US.

16” white Steiff with ff button. This darling girl has had professional repairs to her arms and legs & has a nice covering of creamy white mohair. Her nose, mouth and claw floss is all original as are her pads. Her feet reveal the colored felt lining in some areas. I always love to see that. She is kapok and wool wood filled. She comes wearing a vintage pink top adorned with antique pink millinery. Faces like these just do not come along that often. She is a rare white color and ready to move on from my hug to yours. $2799 postage paid within the US.

Cristina Ponstingel
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